Definitions of Contract and Contract Law
1.Definition of Contract
The common law countries stress the contract as a kind of" promise" ,the civil law countries concern on the" agreement between the parties. "
A contract is defined as" an agreement to do or abstain from doing some act,intended to give rise to legal relations," or" a promise or a set of promises which the law will enforce. "
The Restatement Second of Contracts § 1 in the United States defines a contract as" a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty. "
Black’s Law Dictionary defines a contract" an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law, (a binding contract) ;the writing that sets forth such an agreement (a contract is valid if valid under the law of the residence of the party wishing to enforce the contract). "
The nature of contract, under civil law, is a" meeting of minds" or" mutual assent. "Article 1101 of" French Civil Code" states;" Contract is a mutual assent with which one person or more is obligated to give a thing,to do or not to do a thing to one person or more persons. "
2.Definition of Contract Law
Both questions are of fundamental importance, but it is surprisingly difficult to give a definitive answer to either. Contract law is most obviously the law relating to agreements or promises. As we shall see,it is primarily concerned with promises which constitute part of an agreed exchange,and it governs such questions as" which agreements the law will enforce?"" What obligations are imposed by the agreement in question?" and" what remedies are available if the obligations are not performed?" Thus the answer to the first question might be that contract law is the law based on liability for breach of promise. .
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